afteR a yeaR of laugHteR,jOys n etC we deCideD to be witH eaCh otheR "tiLL death dO us paRt". sO weDDiNg pLans weRe maDe, eveRytHing weRe beinG pRepaRed, we saiD "i dO" tO eaCh otheR on the 21st of maRCh 2007, @ masjiD nuRuL hiDayaH, Kg.paNdaN..
21st maRch,2007
aNd ouR weDDiNg reCeptiOn was heLd on the 24th MaRch,2007 @ deWan CeMpaka..aMpaNg seLangOr..... :D
deWan CempaKa..
3 mOnths lateR oN my sisteR's weDDiNg daY...i fOund Out tHat i'm 5 weeKs pRegNant.. How i feLt that tiMe..oNLy goD kNows hOw...sCaRed, deLightfuL, mOrNing siCkness was nOt tHat bad thOugh eveRytHiNg I ate will cOme out as sOon as i fiNished my meaLs eveRyday..but stiLL i'LL n eat...waKakakak...bUt the best paRt was...hOw my huBby tReated me..aLmOst eveRytHing i cRaved fOr he'LL fiNd or buy foR me..OooOo...hOw I miss tHat tiMe... :D...aNd my sis was aLso pRegNant but i'm 1 mOnth aheaD of beiNg pRegnaNt:P
me n my sis....beiNg pRegNant
aNd on the 10th feBRuaRy, 2008..OuR buNdLe of jOy aRRiVed intO the woRLd, aHmaD aRman asHRaf..weiGht 2.6kg @ hOspital aMpaNg..0921am..
ahmaD aRman ashRaf..oUr litLLe bUndLe of jOy :D
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