we stOpped @ masJid sePaNg for maghRib pRayeRs and heaDed to the aiRpOrt afteRwaRds...
we reaChed KLIA, cOupLes of miNutes befOre 8p.m.
Me n KaMaL aCCoMpaNieD aBang fOr LuggaGe cHeck in..
whiLe ayaH n hUbBy weNt to PaRk...
sOOn afteR we gatheR at c17 for aBaNg's bRiefiNg
then its diNNer tiMe...my stOmaCh was aLreaDy siNging with muSiC fROm "i duNno wheRe" :D.
we weNt dOwn to the KLIA's fOOd gaRden n i gOt myseLf a naSi+teLuR bUngKus...nOt that yUmmMMmmmYyyyYy... :(
afteR diNNer we weNt up agaiN..aNd daDDY was sNappiNg piCtuRes like cRazy..at aBout 10p.m sumthing we Had to get baCk as aRman was aLreaDy beCame restLess...so we saiD oUr gOodbYes n weNt baCk...tO my supRise I didn't cry...Like i did last tiMe...wakakaka...mOst pRobabLy i was pRegNant last time...
on oUr way tO the caR...we aCCidentLy met juLie n her fRieNd...(can't reCall his naMe thOugh)...sO we taLKed a whiLe n lateR fOund out that we aRe aLL at the wRong siDe of parKing aRea....ekekekekeke...sO we haD to waLk baCk to the saMe diRectiOn to go to the paRkiNg aREa..
weLL whateVer......dO hoPe aBang wiLL haVE a gReat aNd saFe aDventuRe....
.:: adeq...thaniah on your new blog.. :D
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