6th of maRch 2009
huBBy maDe a reseRvatiOn at the Ritz caRLtOn KL.
haD my reLaxeD saUna bath and
heaDed to bintaNg waLk fOr jaLan2.. ;D
but we heaDed back to the hOtel
right afteR diNner beCause aRman is aLready sLeeping..
althOugh i was veRy tiRed..
i'm gLad ALLAH gaVe us the
oPportuNity to cheRish Our life tOgetheR...
I was sad tO leaRn huBBy maDe a
sPa reseRvatiOn and lUnch fOr me..
whiCH i did nOt aTteNd to..
becaUse i was in the offiCe..
WORKING...sheeessshhhHhh ;(
7th of maRch 2009
we haD our bReakfast cOmplimEnts fRom the hotel..
aND weNt fOr aNother sauna treatmeNt...
and at aBout 12 we cheCked out frOm the Hotel..
aNd head bacK to aMpaNg.. :(
but the jOuRney did nOt eNd theRe..
we weNt to naD's cRiB..
aNd then we fOund ouRseLves tOgether
with naD, aLong & idLan on the highway
to Morib..hehe....
reaChed theRe at aBout 1830hours..
we weNt stRaight tO the beacH and
sOaKed idLan & aRman..with seLut..hahaha...
sOon after the maghRib azan was recited..
aNd we heaDed to the mOrib mOsque..
perfOrm our pRayers and wenT fOr diNNer..
we checKed in intO a nIce & cheap rOOm
at the viLLa mOrib..RM75 per rOom...
N.E.A.T...and N.I.C.E...
8th MaRch 2009
we staRted packiNg our baGs,
cHecked out from the rOOm aNd weNt for
branch (bReakfast+Lunch)
**well its a vacation..nO need to get up eaRLy :) **
we snaPped sOme pictuRes of us
at the beaCh anD aRound the pLaygROund..
then afteR perfOrming ouR zUhuR..
we heaDed baCk to kLang..
but nad ,aLong aNd iDlan went baCk to PJ insteaD..
9th maRch 2009
ouR episOdes of vaCatioNing dOes nOt eNd
in klang as well.... :)
we went to the sUnway pyRamid
hunting fOr aRman's sHoes..
but we didnt maNage to fiNd oNe..
hahaha...mOmmy aNd DaDDy suRe are
veRy2 paRticuLar n picKy.. :p
haD our diNner aNd head baCk..
which tis time it's fOr reaL..
baCk to AmpaNg...:(
Our hOliday eNded tOday..
but my LOve tOwaRds yOu wiLL nOt...
for planning these..
fOr haVing the time to paMper us...
fOr beinG rOmanTic oNce in bLue mOon..
caUse eveRytime yOu aRe in a rOmantic Mood..
i'm suRe gOnna LOVE everything that yOu maDe and do...
i LOVE you and eveRything aBout yOU...
i LOVE you...i LOVE you...and i LOVE you...
yOu do meLt my heaRt...
oVer n oVer again...
haD my reLaxeD saUna bath and
heaDed to bintaNg waLk fOr jaLan2.. ;D
but we heaDed back to the hOtel
right afteR diNner beCause aRman is aLready sLeeping..
althOugh i was veRy tiRed..
i'm gLad ALLAH gaVe us the
oPportuNity to cheRish Our life tOgetheR...
I was sad tO leaRn huBBy maDe a
sPa reseRvatiOn and lUnch fOr me..
whiCH i did nOt aTteNd to..
becaUse i was in the offiCe..
WORKING...sheeessshhhHhh ;(
7th of maRch 2009
we haD our bReakfast cOmplimEnts fRom the hotel..
aND weNt fOr aNother sauna treatmeNt...
and at aBout 12 we cheCked out frOm the Hotel..
aNd head bacK to aMpaNg.. :(
but the jOuRney did nOt eNd theRe..
we weNt to naD's cRiB..
aNd then we fOund ouRseLves tOgether
with naD, aLong & idLan on the highway
to Morib..hehe....
reaChed theRe at aBout 1830hours..
we weNt stRaight tO the beacH and
sOon after the maghRib azan was recited..
aNd we heaDed to the mOrib mOsque..
perfOrm our pRayers and wenT fOr diNNer..
we checKed in intO a nIce & cheap rOOm
at the viLLa mOrib..RM75 per rOom...
N.E.A.T...and N.I.C.E...
8th MaRch 2009
we staRted packiNg our baGs,
cHecked out from the rOOm aNd weNt for
branch (bReakfast+Lunch)
**well its a vacation..nO need to get up eaRLy :) **
we snaPped sOme pictuRes of us
at the beaCh anD aRound the pLaygROund..
then afteR perfOrming ouR zUhuR..
we heaDed baCk to kLang..
but nad ,aLong aNd iDlan went baCk to PJ insteaD..
9th maRch 2009
ouR episOdes of vaCatioNing dOes nOt eNd
in klang as well.... :)
we went to the sUnway pyRamid
hunting fOr aRman's sHoes..
but we didnt maNage to fiNd oNe..
hahaha...mOmmy aNd DaDDy suRe are
veRy2 paRticuLar n picKy.. :p
haD our diNner aNd head baCk..
which tis time it's fOr reaL..
baCk to AmpaNg...:(
Our hOliday eNded tOday..
but my LOve tOwaRds yOu wiLL nOt...
for planning these..
fOr haVing the time to paMper us...
fOr beinG rOmanTic oNce in bLue mOon..
caUse eveRytime yOu aRe in a rOmantic Mood..
i'm suRe gOnna LOVE everything that yOu maDe and do...
i LOVE you and eveRything aBout yOU...
i LOVE you...i LOVE you...and i LOVE you...
yOu do meLt my heaRt...
oVer n oVer again...
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