of aLL the days oLdskOoL was away..
tOday reaLLy2 aChed me...
i dOnt knOw..
i tRied tO be stRong..
bUt i'm nOt that stRong..
i tRied to be haPPy..
but i knOw i'm faKing it..
i've been cOunting eNdLess secOnds, miNutes, hOurs..
sO that i cOuLd see hiM in fRont of me..
agaiN I just caNt stOp thiNking of hiM
missiNg him is reaLLy2 achIng me..
theRe is nOt a siNgle secOnd that i fOrget bOut him..
i mIss his smiLe..
i mIss his jOkes..
i mIss his tOuch..
i mIss eveRythIng abOut him..
its tRue what peOPle says..
we dOnt reaLLy cherish
what we aLways have in fRont of us..
but when suDDenLy it is nOt in fRont of us..
then we'LL staRt lOnging fOr that feeLing again..
tHinKing of it...
it oCcuReD tO me..
tRue Love dOes eXist...
may what me & him have right nOw..
wiLL last foRever..
thaNk yOu sayang fOr the Love yOu have fOr me..
thaNk yOU for haVing me in yOUr Life..
tHank yOu foR eveRy singLe tHiNg that yOu do
may it sOmething that i reaLize or nOt..
thaNk yOU fOr maKing me sMiLE eaCh tiMe..
thaNk yOU fOr aLways beiNg the One whO listens
tO my "cRaps of life"
thaNk yOu fOr shaRing the best of liFe ALLAH had cReated fOr us..
it'll be a "lOng eNdLess thAnk yOU" list if
I weRe to wRite it dOwn..
i knOw yOu aRe nOt gOing tO reaD this
unLess i shOw it tO yOu..
whIch i'm nOt gOing tO.. :D
its just sOmethiNg that i feeL like wRiting aBout..
bUt on tOp of eveRythIng..
thanK yOU ALLAH fOr the gReatest destiNy yOu wrOte
fOr me..
fOr us...
i LOVE you AHMAD DARUL ANUAR..always & forever :)
a sOng which reMinded me if... I dOnt have yOu
TANPA-6ixth sense
Resah yang ku ubah dalam kata
Melukiskan kesunyian
Tanpa engkau aku tak mengerti
Tanpa... Cintamu aku resah
Tanpa... Kasihmu aku hampa
Tanpa... Dirimu aku mati
Kini benar-benarku rasakan
Dalam relung hatiku tanpamu
Aku tak mengerti
Takut aku jauh dari dirimu
Dan kau tinggalkan aku sendiri
Tanpamu ku mati
Resah yang ku
Ubah dalam kata
Melukiskan kesunyian
Tanpa engkau aku tak mengerti
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